Your Growth is in the New

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

The beginning of Spring presents you an opportunity to get rid of some of the clutter on your desk, in your wardrobe and in your life. This can be really tough as you are often hunted with the thought that you might need what you have just thrown away. But then in the process of de-cluttering you just might uncover some hidden gem that has gotten buried under your pile of stuff.

Not only are gems buried under clutter, a clear out also gives you the perfect excuse to acquire something new. Now you don’t need to explain to your spouse the reason for your investment in new clothes, new shoes or a new gadget. You simply exchanged the old and unused for the new and useful. Your acquisitions have brought an increase or growth in your possessions. Old things discarded did not bring a decrease in your life because you weren’t using them anyway, but new things almost always bring growth and increase.

In the depressed world economy of today, where is your growth and increase coming from? Here is my list of 20 new things that can grow, increase and propel your life to the next level.

20 New Things To Bring Growth and Increase Into Your Life.

  • New skills you learn
  • New goals you set
  • New mindsets you develop
  • New relationships you make.
  • New conversations you have with yourself
  • New commitments you make to yourself
  • New customers you acquire
  • New products you release
  • New books you read
  • New books you write
  • New places you visit
  • New people you meet
  • New ways of relating with old friends
  • New ways of looking at old problems
  • New songs you sing
  • New songs you write
  • New frontiers you explore
  • New heights you climb
  • New challenges you overcome
  • New businesses you start

Now you have an opportunity to get bigger, become better and open up new streams of income. Start something new today.