Book Review – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R Covey

to learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know. ~ Stephen R. Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is recognised as one of the most influential books ever written. This book has sold more than 25 million copies in 38 languages world wide. It must have more influence on me than I realised because I have a print and an audio copy.

So whats so special about the 7 habits?

Your habits will determine your future

You can live your life by design or default. To design the future you want, you need to be aware of the habits that take you towards and the habits that pull you away from your desired future.

Successful people have successful habits and unsuccessful people don’t ~Jack Canfield

In the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey starts by introducing the concept of a paradigm. Using the analogy of a map, having a wrong paradigm is like trying to find you way around the city of London with a map of Manchester labelled London. You will experience a great deal of frustration and hardship because you have an incorrectly labelled map. We see things based not on reality but on our own version of reality.

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.~ Albert Einstein

Steven Covey proposes a new and deeper level of thinking that will lead to the creation of 7 habits that can and will change your life. My top three are:

  1. Be Proactive – Principle of Personal Vision. – Take responsibility for your future. You have the ability to change many things about your life and future by proactively making newer and better choices that will lead you down your desired path. Proactive people according to Covey have the freedom to choose their response to external stimulus. There are lots of illustrations in the book about how you can take control of your life and influence the outcome.
  1. Synergize – Principle of Creative Cooperation. – Simply put, one plus one is greater than two (1+1>2). Synergy is more than working together. It is thinking TEAM (Together Each Achieves More). When we work together as a team, we must value our differences and combine our strengths to achieve much more than each individual can. This is about collaboration with an abundance mindset.
  1. Sharpen the Saw – Principle of Balanced Self-Renewal. Steven Covey identifies four dimensions of renewal
    • The body needs physical renewal though exercise, healthy eating and stress management
    • The mind needs a mental renewal via reading, writing, visualising and planning
    • The spiritual dimension is renewed by our continuous value clarification and commitment to study and meditation
    • Our relationships will benefit from a social and emotional balance through our own internal security, service to others and empathy.

This book is a classic that is worth reading or re-reading to reinforce your good habit of sharpening the saw and perhaps pick up one or two new habits.

The world we live in today may have changed from the time Covey wrote this book, but the principles contained in the seven habits are timeless in its application and they will certainly change your life if you make them habits.

Why not leave a comment if you have read this book or read the book and then leave a comment.

#3. Leadership 101 Series

#11. Risk

Leadership 101 Series

Fear stifles our thinking and actions. It creates indecisiveness that results in stagnation. I have known talented people who procrastinate indefinitely rather than risk failure. Lost opportunities cause erosion of confidence, and the downward spiral begins ~ Charles Stanley

Wikipedia describes risk as a potential for loss (due to a desirable or undesirable outcome) resulting from a given action and or inaction.

Everyday cycling on the streets of London carries the risk of being knocked down by a car on the road. Yet thousands of cyclists take to the roads on a daily basis. I couldn’t. Because it carries too much of a risk for me.

Risk therefore is in the eye’s of the beholder. The risk involved in any task is related of the skills, training and experience you have in the given task.

What you considers as safe, such as being in paid employment is probably a risky venture to the business owner.

Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back. Think of all the benefit that would come your way if you succeed, and then take one small step at a time.

#12. Courage

You must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear ~ Martin Luther King Jnr

Courage is not an absence of fear. Courage is you acting in-spite of your fears. Fear is never going to go away so stop trying to get rid of it.

Courage is like muscles that are built up with use. Learn to act even when afraid in little things and when the big one comes, you can draw from your history the courage necessary to see you through your present situation.

Courageous leaders are comfortable with making choices despite limited information, making choices within a limited time and having the grace and humility to admit that they have got it wrong rather than stick to their guns and wreck the ship.

#13. Smart


Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. ~ Bill Gates

Smart is a difficult one to describe. How smart is smart or how dumb is dumb? The world is filled with smart people who have made stupid mistakes and not so smart people who have the wisdom to surround themselves with people smarter than they are. How smart are you?

Do you recognise your weaknesses and ensure that you have people who will complement you on your team? Are you smart enough to listen to them? They can protect you and your business from your blind spots. We all have them so you are no exception.

#14. Relational

Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational. ~ Chuck Palahniuk

What would the world be without people? I certainly wouldn’t want to be the only person in a world full of trees. I would rather have human beings with their quirkiness any-day.

The leader who has no follower is obviously going for a walk. You are going to have to spend time building relationships with people, some of whom will be your colleagues, your employees and your customers. And yes they may not respond as you predicted. That’s because they are human beings with a free will which is used without rational at times.

So quite being upset with people. They are not going to be eradicated from the face of the earth.

Love people, learn to understand their needs and then spend your time adding value to their lives and filling your identified needs. They will reward you with their follower-ship, loyalty and sometimes money.

#15. Communicator

First, you must realise and accept that clear communication is a two way process. It’s not enough to speak clearly. You have to make sure you are heard and understood. ~ Lee Froschhelser

There’s no doubt in my mind that communication is one of the essential skills a leader must have. Here are a few things that can help your communication

1. Have great clarity as to what you want to say and why you want to say it.

2. Keep it simple. Avoid jargon and use everyday words. No one will be impressed with your big words if they don’t know what it means. And don’t kid yourself. They will not bother to look it up in the dictionary.

3. Say what you have to say and then listen for feed back that will give you clues as to whether you have been understood or not.

4. Remember to keep the body language in line with the message.

Do you recognise any of this qualities?

10 Reasons To Have Written Goals

People with clear written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period than people without goals can ever imagine ~ Brian Tracey

10 Reasons To Have Written Goals

Goals are the foundation of your dreams and the driving force behind your desired lifestyle. Whether your have an ambition to run a marathon or take up heathy eating , setting goals and having them written down will increase your chances of achieving success.

If we all agree that goals are important to success, why do many people not have goals? Of the people that have goals, only a few have written goals and fewer still regularly review their goals and plans.

Whatever your reasons for not having a written goal, let me give you 10 reasons why you should have written goals for all areas of your life.

  1. Take Charge And Take Control Of Your Life

Your decision to set a goal or goals is an indication that you have made the choice to take control of your life. You have decided to be intentional about your life and about achieving your dreams and desires.

There are two kinds of people and businesses. Those who get what they want and those who take what they get.

The act of goal writing means you are no longer leaving events to chance. You are no longer living life by default but are actively engaged in the design of the life and lifestyle you want.

  1. Create The Future You Desire

Goal setting and writing will help you take a good look at your future. If you don’t like what you see, then you have the opportunity to design the ideal future for yourself. This is also called having a vision for your life.

I must add a word of warning here. Just because you have created an ideal world is no guarantee that you will end up in the place as you have envisaged. But your long term vision will serve as a catalyst that provides the motivation you need in the short term for goal achievement.

Most people will spend more time planning for their next holiday than planning for their financial future. Take some time to think beyond your next holiday and develop a plan for your life.

  1. Recover From Setback And Move Forward

Recover From Setback And Move Forward

Many things happen to us in our lives that we have no control over. One thing in our control is our response to events that happen to us.

With goals in place, you are able to view an adverse event as a temporary setback. If you have to amend your goals in the light of new information, you are equipped to do so.

Sometimes, there is no need for a change direction. But a change in the timing for the achievement of your goals.

  1. Get The Assurance That You Are Making Progress.

Part of goal the setting process is to set markers along the way that will help you measure your achieved progress. This gives you an objective way of knowing whether you are moving forward or simply going round in circles.

Being busy with work is not the same as making progress. If your effort is not contributing to but rather taking you away from your desired goals, knowing this as early as possible in the process will help you take corrective action.

Progress has nothing to do with speed, but with direction ~ Author Unknown

  1. Maintain Focus On Your Dreams

Distractions are a part of life. As I continue the process of writing this book (assuming I am writing a book), I have to battle with short term and long term distractions. Since I have a goal of completing the book by a specified time, I continually look for ways to overcome distractions that can delay or completely derail my goal.

Having goals that are time bound will help you maintain focus on what needs to be done.

If you do have a long term project, then breaking it down into smaller shorter term goals will increase your focus and the chances that you will reach your goal.

  1. Keep Going When You Are Unsure

Keep Going

Think of your goal as a destination and your plan of action as a roadmap for arriving at your destination.

Whenever you are unsure of when you will achieve your dreams or goals, simply take a look at the map to re assess where you are on the journey.

Remember that having written goals is not enough. You must continually work on the process of implementing the plans that will drive you towards your goal.

  1. Increase Productivity

Your goal is the end result or your destination; to use the map analogy. But there are many other destinations along the way. These are the smaller shorter term subgoals and tasks that need to be done to reach the bigger goal.

Scheduling tasks to be done on a daily basis and then allocating blocks of time to work on these task will increase your productivity and  help you become more efficient with your time.

You will become a master at working on what you want when you want. You have allocated the time and you are utilising the allocated time for the scheduled task.

  1. You Become Self Disciplined.

Just because you have scheduled a task does not mean you will work on the task in the scheduled time. If your destination is attractive enough, you will not give up on the journey.

Self discipline, diligence and determination are some of the ingredients for the journey.

If there are areas where you lack discipline, try setting some goals in that area and then commit to implementing the steps to achieving you goal.

  1. Grow And Mature

Grow And Mature

If you have the courage to set goals that will stretch you and take you out of your comfort zone, you will reap tremendous growth in your life and business.

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals ~ Zig Ziglar

You become a bigger and better person. You will acquire new knowledge and skills that can be deployed to take you to new heights unimagined.

So don’t set goals based on your present position. Use your imagination and tap into your inner desires to set goals that will stretch you.

  1. Meet The Right People

Big dreams must be bigger than any one person. If you can do it alone, then you probably have not set yourself a big enough challenge. It will require building the right team and having the right accountability partners to achieve a big vision.

Meeting the right people will not automatically happen. You need to creatively and persuasively convey your imagined future into the hearts of people to inspire them and move them to action.

Your clearly defined goals, well thought out and written plans for action and choice of words will help determine who you will attract.

I am aware that not all ten reasons will apply to you. So take some time and think about the ones that resonate with you. Go to work and set goals for what you want to achieve. Write down these goals along with action plans and commit to the implementation of your goals.

Have you got a written plan for your life? How did you benefit from implementing the plan?

Leave a comment.

5 Reasons to Choose Diligence

Diligence, is the constant and earnest effort to accomplish whatever is undertaken ( Diligence is also the steady application of effort to accomplish a task. 

5 Reasons to Choose Diligence


At the heart of success in many endeavours is diligence. This is described by Atul Gawande in his book “Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance” as the necessity of giving sufficient attention to detail to avoid error or prevail against obstacles.


Publishing new blog posts at Leading like a Champion requires diligence on my part and while it has not been an easy task to achieve, it is very rewarding. So what does diligence mean in practice?


Diligence in Practice

  • Diligence presupposes that you have a goal or task you are working towards. Since you do not have the energy to be diligent at everything, it makes sense to carefully choose your goals and tasks so that you can apply your limited time and effort towards its achievement.
  • Diligence requires time and effort to yield results. Having decided on your goal, you must understand that it’s achievement will require effort also known as hard work. This reminds me of a phrase – ‘No bees, no honey. No work no money”
  • Diligence rewards attention to detail, careful completion of repetitive and sometimes boring task and a determined commitment to finish what you have began.

 Do not spend your days gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journeys end, and then you will not reach it. ~ Isaac Watts. 

5 Reasons to Choose Diligence

  1. A commitment to diligence will help you achieve great things in life. Do you have big dreams? Are you ambitious enough to want to make a difference in the world you live in? From history, we know that it was the commitment to diligence that helped Thomas Edison discover the light bulb after over two thousand unsuccessful experiments.
  1. A commitment to diligence will reward you with expertise and authority. You will have had of the 10,000 hour rule made popular by Malcolm Gladwell in Outliers. Only the diligent can put in this required number of hours of purposeful practice to become an expert or authority in their field or profession. Only the diligent athlete can compete in the Olympic finals.
  1. A commitment to diligence will help you creates success habits. There are no short cuts to success. You will benefit from a steady progress towards your goal as Muscles develop from a diligent application of weights. You grow to become a bigger and better person by the diligent effort you apply to your work and business.
  1. A commitment to diligence will help you stay on track with your goals. Breaking down your larger goals into smaller specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goals (SMART) increases the chances of your success.
  1. A commitment to diligence keeps you clear of slothfulness, indifference and laziness. These three words will significantly affect your growth and development as a leader, an entrepreneur and valuable contributor at work.

So you have a goal that is worth your putting your limited resources to. Reap the rewards of diligence. Break down your goal or task into several smaller goals or subtask. Your subtasks need to be meaningful and the accomplishment of each step must bring you closer to the achievement of your overall goal. Start today on the first step and stick to the task until the task sticks to you.

Winning is by choice and not by chance, so never, never, never give up ~ Winston Churchill

How committed are you to achieving your goals?