One proven success formula in life and business is to find successful people in your area of interest and then model their success. There are thousands of books and articles written by or written about successful people. Find the ones that appeal to you and read them.

In modelling success, you need to understand that you are unique and so do not try to be like others. But learn from their success stories. This develops your own knowledge bank. Mixing this knowledge with your own unique abilities and gifting serves to unlock your potential and increase your chances of success.
Business Success Formula
There are three things that will contribute to your success as an entrepreneur in business, sports, music or other areas:
1. Your Desire to Succeed
The challenges facing start-up businesses in todays economy are very daunting. There is a crowded marketplace and to succeed you have to stand out. There is the need to raise adequate capital, numerous regulatory hurdles and finding the right partners suppliers and employees. Then there is the discouragement you will face when things are not going to plan and people quite on you.
All this add up to make it easy for you to give up and go back to paid employment. You therefore need a strong desire to succeed and the self discipline to push through the early challenges you will face as a start up.
2. Building Your Personal Capacity
Having a strong desire is not enough to succeed. You need to build your capacity by working to improve your skills and abilities. Take time to think about the things that make you unique. Then continually work at being the best.
There may be others offering the same products and services that you offer. You ability to differentiate yourself and how good you are at being different will get you noticed in the crowded marketplace.
Unlike sports, business competition is not a zero sum game. There can be more than one winner as each person serves different segments of the market. Don’t try to be better than someone else. Try to be the best unique you. This gives customers a choice and makes what you offer difficult to copy.
3. Opportunity To Express Yourself.
You can only take advantage of business or market opportunity when you have a strong desire to succeed and have the capacity to convert the opportunity into a profitable outcome.
Some will call it luck or being in the right place at the right time, and there is an element of both involved. Opportunity and your ability to exploit opportunity is a key ingredient for business success.
Having one or two of the above success essentials will not bring success. For example, a strong desire and opportunity without the ability to perform will only lead to mediocrity.
True success is not a myth and it is not achievable by chance or by a multitude of dreams. Success is a process that starts with knowledge and becomes evident as you develop your skills, increase your capacity, take advantage of opportunity and push through barriers with a strong desire to succeed.
A year from now you will wish you had started today~ Karen Lamb
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