7 Ways You Can Benefit from Having a Positive Attitude

There are a range of benefits to be gained from maintaining a positive and upbeat attitude.  Scientific evidence has shown that there are a number of benefits to optimism and a positive attitude.

Believe In Yourself

Here are 7 ways in which you can benefit from having a positive attitude:

1. Your Immune System is Boosted

Numerous studies have shown that having an optimistic or positive outlook can have positive effect on your short term health. In fact, studies have shown that positive people show a better immune response to infectious diseases  than pessimistic persons, meaning that people with positive attitudes are less susceptible to illness and are able to recover more quickly from many infectious diseases than their pessimistic peers.

2. Your Life is Prolonged

Positive attitudes have also been shown to lengthen your life span. According to the American Journal of Cardiology, those with a positive outlook are more likely to outlive those with negative mindsets. Although there is no definitive answer as to why people with positive attitudes experience this  benefit, scientists have theorized that it may be that positive people are more likely to live healthy lifestyles, or that positive people are under less stress, and experience fewer of the harmful effects that stress has on the body. As a result, positive people are less likely to suffer from diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer that cut many people’s lives short.

3. You’re Less Stressed Out

People with a positive outlook are less likely to be stressed, and recover from stress more quickly than those with pessimistic attitudes. People with positive attitudes are less likely to dwell on negative aspects of their life and therefore less likely to become stressed out when negative events do occur. Not only that, but people with positive attitudes are more likely to use “silver lining” thinking, where they are able to take positives from stressful events.

4. You are More Confident

People who have a positive outlook often feel more confident and have higher self esteem than those with negative mindsets. People with positive attitudes often have high levels of self-confidence and a belief in their ability to control situations that they are in. By replacing negative thoughts with positive ones about yourself, you will find that your self-confidence will suddenly blossom.

5. You Have Better Mental Health

Having a positive attitude is associated with having fewer mental health issues. In fact, according to one study by the Mayo Clinic, pessimists were more likely to suffer from depression. Not only that, but one study shows that teaching people to be more optimistic can actually significantly decrease the level of depression that a person may be facing. In other words, being optimistic means that you feel better about yourself and others. A positive attitude has also been known to improve other mental issues such as anxiety and general distress.

6. You build new skills

Having a positive attitude makes it easier for you to build new skills and resources. This is known as the “broaden and build” theory, because positive emotions broaden your sense of possibilities and open you to new experiences, encouraging you to build new skills and gain expertise. In contrast, negative emotions encourage you to not try new things because of the threat they may pose, thus stunting your emotional and personal development.

7. You have better relationships

People with positive attitudes have bigger social circles and closer personal relationships than those with negative mindsets. Because of a positive mindset, positive people are more likely to actively seek to enlarge their social circles, and also are more comfortable with forming tight knit bonds that persons with negative mindsets may be uncomfortable with.

Having a positive and optimistic attitude can have a major positive effect on both psychical and psychological well-being. A number of studies have shown that positive attitudes are closely linked with a number of benefits such as better long term and short term physical health and better mental health. In addition, being positive also allows you to unlock your true potential and become a well-rounded individual. If you’re not a positive person, it is important to try to turn things around for your own well-being. Simple things such as surrounding yourself with positive people and identifying areas to think more positively about are important to be able to reap the benefits of a positive mindset.

Good and Bad Habits (Inphographic)

It doesn’t matter how great and successful you think you are, you are bound to have good and bad habits. If in doubt ask those closest to you. So cheer up. You are not alone.

Here are  good and bad habits of some of the worlds smartest people nicely illustrated by Online Phd Programs.

Food for thought

The Habits of Smart People
Source: Online-PhD-Programs.org

Why not leave a comment. Are you all good and no bad habits?

7 Barriers To Turning Your Ideas to Action

There’s an entrepreneur right now, scared to death, making excuses, saying, ‘It’s not the right time just yet.’ There’s no such thing as a good time. I started an apparel-manufacturing business in the tech-boom years. I mean, come on. Get out of your garage and go take a chance, and start your business ~ Kevin Plank

7 Barriers To Turning Your Ideas to Action

You either learn from your success and mistakes or you learn from the success and mistake of others. Its a matter of preference. So I will share with you a few things from my experience and from the experience of others that can constitute a roadblock to the conversion of your ideas into action. You will have to get through these barriers at some stage.

1. You Are Unwilling To Fail

Because you do not entertain the possibility of failure, you are slow to act on your ideas. Many of your ideas will fail. Acting on ideas is an adventure into the future and an important part of your road to success.

Without a willingness to fail, you will remain rooted to one spot and not make a move until you are comfortable with the risk. Well here is a bit of advice, don’t bet the house. There are no 100% guarantees for your ideas. Create some room in your thinking for the fact that it just might not work out as planned. Now get on with it.

2. You Are Not Talking About Your Ideas

One reason people keep their ideas to themselves is the fear that the idea will be stolen. Yes there is a real possibility of this happening. However let me assure you that no matter how unique you think your idea is, try typing it into google and see how many thousands of other people have ideas similar to yours. Good luck to whoever steals your idea.

Even if someone else puts your idea to action, you might learn some lessons from that implementation that will help you start work on yours. Besides, people can only copy your idea. They cannot copy you the idea person. They cannot copy the unique experiences, strengths and ability that make you who you are.

By talking about your ideas, you continue to refine it and get useful feedback to improve on it. it will also increase your chances of coming across willing partners and investors who will help you make it happen.

3. You Spend Time Looking For Money To Finance Your Idea

No doubt that at some point in time you will need money to finance your idea, but right now, money is not what you need. You just need to get started. You need to take the next step.

There is also what is called sweat capital by you and sweat equity from other people. Here is a simple question to ask, “What can I do right now to take action on my idea that will not cost me money?”  Come up with some ideas and then get on with it.

4. You Have Not Completed Your Last Project

Having uncompleted projects will slow down. It will distract you and dissipate your energy. There are those who believe in multitasking. I belong to that school of thought. And that for me is a weakness which I continue to do battle against every day. Resist the temptation to start on a new idea until you have brought the last one to a logical conclusion. Schedule time to work on your uncompleted ideas to finish them off.

5. You Have No Written Plan Of Action

One benefit of writing is that it clarifies your thinking. A written plan of action means you have thought things through. It also provides you with a path to follow and helps to keep you on track. No matter how unglamorous writing a plan is, it can increase your chances of success with your idea.

Your written plan will also help you to determine the logical next step. If you are at a loss of what to do next, simply look at you plan and do the next thing.

6. You Are Seeking Everyones Approval

Wake up! You are not going to get everyones approval. As a matter of fact, you are on your own for the first few miles (no matter how long that is). And even if you get their approval, then what happens? The world has changed. We live in a crowded and noisy world. If you care about the value of your idea, then begin to work at it. That is all the approval you need. Someday, it may create a platform for you to get noticed in this noisy world.

7. You Are Waiting For The Right Economic Conditions

There is a proverb that says “Don’t sit there watching the wind. Do your own work. Don’t stare at the clouds. Get on with your life”. You are going to have to take a decision based on what you know now about the economy. A decision not to implement is still a decision.

Based on what you know, there must be something you can do. Perhaps you can come up with new ideas that are suitable for the economic conditions you are in at the moment.

Why not leave a comment and tell me about things that slow down ideas to action.

Book Review – Bounce: The Myth Of Talent And The Power Of Practice by Matthew Syed

In Bounce, Matthew Syed debunks the myth of talent and gives hope, inspiration and encouragement to all who have dedicated themselves to the put in the hard work necessary for success in any field of endevour.

Book Review - Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice by Matthew Syed

I do not know if I have an innate talent for writing. If I did, it stayed dormant for many years. But as I have pursued my dream of creating the most read Leadership and Personal Development blog on the planet, I see myself getting better and better at writing. You can improve on your skills by doing the work.

Let me tell you five things I like about this book and one thing I don’t like.

What Resonates with Me

  1. Anyone Can Reach the Top – Matthew Syed has taken the trouble to examine his own success as a top sportsman and come to the conclusion that hard work and a commitment to purposeful practice is a vital ingredient to reaching the top. This gives hope to millions of people all over the world who feel that they have had a disadvantaged birth or upbringing. While the when and where of your childhood can be an advantage  (Unequal Childhood), you can make up for a lack of privilege by committing to do the hard work necessary for success in your chosen endevour.
  2. Practice Does Not Make Perfect; Purposeful Practice Makes Perfect. – We are made to understand that opportunities and access to serious practice will improve your chances of success. This means you have to learn from and train with the best in the best facilities. If practice is not intentional or if practice is denied, then no amount of talent can make up for a lack of practice.
  3. There Are No Short Cuts to Success. – Everything takes time. Syed quotes from Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers” and points out the fact that top performers practice their craft for not less than one thousand hours a year. Twenty hours a week. At this rate, it will take you ten years to have any prospects of making it to the Olympics. To succeed you have to put in the years of continuous and purposeful practice. Top violinist  and top athletes put in at least two thousand more hours a year than the good ones. So stick to your trade. You can only get better with time. And if you want to be the best, you can, by putting in more hours into the doing and practicing.
  4. Systematic Evaluation Of Your Performance With A View To Making Adjustments Is Key To Deliberate Practice – I never took squash lessons and as such I find myself good at playing the wrong strokes. So its not all about the hours. Its about the thought and planning behind those hours. As someone once said, there is a difference between having ten years experience, and having one years experience repeated ten times. Just because you have been driving a car for eight hours a day for ten years as a London taxi diver does not make you a world class driver. You may have an expert knowledge of London roads but you are certainly not an expert car driver. Most of your driving is done on auto pilot and that does not equate to purposeful practice. To make improvements, you need to get feedback on your performance and then take corrective action. You also need to increase the difficulty level of your practice.
  5. The Curse Of Choking And How To Avoid It – All the practice in the world will not prepare you for that time in your life when all eyes are on you to deliver a top class performance. And you end up with mediocre results. Choking is the word used to describe the catastrophic decline in performance when it matters. Syed himself experienced this at the Gold Coast Olympics in Australia. To avoid choking, you need to train your mind to think that its only a game and that your performance at that point does not matter.

What I don’t Get

If this book is about the myth of talent and the power of practice, I am yet to figure what connection chapters like “The Placebo Effect” and “Baseball Rituals” have with talent and practice.

Bounce is a well written book and Matthew Syed has done a great job at demystifying talent. Well worth reading.

NB. Feel free to leave a comment if you have read this book or if this review has inspired you to read the book.

Speaking for Impact – 7 Tools From a Speakers Toolkit

Mere words are cheap and plenty enough, but ideas that rouse and set multitudes thinking come as gold from the mines ~ A. Owen

Speaking for Impact

Have you listened to a speech or presentation that left you not knowing what was said and why you attended the event in the first place? I have.

Have you made a speech or presentation that left your audience asking themselves why they bothered to turn up? I have.

In todays fast changing world, one of the demands of your audience as you speak and make presentations is that you give them something to remember and something to make their lives better. Speaking is a means of communicating a message. Messages that are remembered always have something that resonates with the listener and something that brings a challenge to change.

Even when your speech is to inform or to entertain, it will make a difference to your audience if your message carries with it the seed of life change. How do you do this?

7 Tools For Making Impact In Your Speech And Presentations

  1. Have A Clear Objective That Is Tailored To Your Audiences Need.

What identified need does your audience have that your presentation is set out to meet or provide a solution for? You can gauge this by simply identifying who will be in your audience, what are some of the challenges they have and what would you want them to do differently after your presentation.

  1. Connect With Your Audience

You can increase you connection with your audience by arriving early. This allows you time to get acquainted with your audience.

Connection is increased when you are talk personally to people. By using the words “you” and “your” in your speech, you can speak directly to one person with several others listening in. This makes your presentation personal and I the listener will give you my attention because I want to hear what you have to say to me.

  1. Have a Clear Structure.

To make it easy for your listeners, you will need to ensure that your speech has a clear and easily identifiable structure. This will usually be made up of an opening, a body and a closing.

You opening is there to turn audience attention away from many other things that can possibly occupy their mind in that moment and to listen to you the speaker. It should also make the audience feel at ease in your presence.

The body of your speech will contain all the points you have to make laid out in a clear and logical manner. This will make it easier for listeners to follow and understand.

Your closing should contain a recap of your main points and clear next step. If you have presented a challenge for change, you want people to take action immediately and start implementing your solution.

  1. Have Just Enough Content.

Too Much Content

Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much ~ Robert Greenleaf

In my opinion, it is always better to leave your audience yearning to know more than to give them so much that they get confused about what you want them to learn or do. You cannot say it all in one presentation. Based on the time allocated, decide on what is important and stay focused on it.

There is an old speakers saying that When you squeeze your information in, you squeeze your audience out”.

  1. Make You Points Stick

Each point you make will have a chance of being remembered if you

  • Base it round a story, acronym or an activity
  • Include questions and statements that cause your audience to reflect on your point and think about how it can be applied to their lives.
  • Include a method or solution for applying your point
  • Show the benefits to be derived from making the changes you are proposing
  1. Effectively use transitions.

An effective transition from one point or section to another will include a summary of the point or section and a preview of what you are about to say. This helps the listener to recollect what you have just said and create an interest in what you are about to say. It also helps the listener to know when you have finished with one point and you are about to start another.

  1. Make Your Closing Memorable.

In any speech or presentation, the last thing you say is alway the first thing your listeners remember. So be intentional about your closing. Leave your audience on a high note and never close with a question and answer session.

In your closing, recall all your main points, include a clear call to action or next step and leave your audience feeling good.

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel ~ Carl W. Buechner

Why not add your own tools for speaking with impact by leaving a comment.

Stand Up and Speak – How to Choose Your Topic.

So you have summed up the courage to stand up and speak. You have decided to take up the challenge to elevate your career and overcome your fear of public speaking.That is a good thing.

Stand Up and Speak

You have decided to do something about your speaking skills, because you know the benefits of good speaking skills. What next for you?

Except for impromptu speaking, you will need to do some preparation before speaking. Your preparation will include:

  1. Selecting a Topic
  2. Creating an outline
  3. Writing your speech
  4. Practicing your speech
  5. Delivering your speech
  6. Evaluating your speech.

Today we will be looking at how to decide what to talk about. Remember that speaking is only a means of communicating a message. So avoid telling yourself that you can speak. You speak on a subject in which you are an authority.

How to Select A Topic

1. You Are Given The Subject To Speak On

You might be given a subject to speak on. This will make your choice of subject or topic easier but it does not make your speech preparation any easier. You will need to find out as much as you can about your topic. The internet is the easiest place to get information. However you do need to check you facts.

2. You Have To Choose A Subject

In choosing a subject, you will need to consider:

Your Purpose

Here are some types of speeches

  • Sell a product
  • Provide information that is
    • Technical
    • Non Technical
  • Business Proposal
  • Inspire your listeners to raise to another level
  • Motivation for change
  • To persuade to your course
  • To entertain

Who will be in your audience?

  • Young people
  • Adults
  • Male
  • Female
  • Mixed
  • Cultural background
  • Religious considerations

How about You

  • Your knowledge of the topic
  • Your enthusiasm about the topic
  • The interest it will generate in your audience.

Where to find Topic ideas

  • Personal everyday experiences
  • Hobbies and recreational interests
  • Discussions with friends and work collegues
  • Books and magazines you read
  • News and events

Keep an ideas file

This is a very useful tip. You never know when you have to stand up to speak especially at short notice. Getting into the habit of writing down and filing your ideas for later use is good practice.

Do you have your own way of deciding on a topic? Why not tell us by leaving a comment.

Book Review – The Lean Startup by Eric Ries



Start up success is not a consequence of good genes or being in the right place at the right time. Start up success can be engineered by following the right process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught. ~ Eric Ries

There are many who will believe that startup success is about having the right products and being in the right place at the right time. Eric Ries in the Lean Startup agues that business success can be engineered by following a set of principles that get you to start small, start quick and go through several iterations.

Lean Startup is about learning what your customers really want. Its about testing your vision continuously, adapting and adjusting before its too late.

Eric Ries introduces five principles of the lean Startup. You can read about them in the book. I would like to talk about five keys I have leant from the book.

Key #1. Experiment

Every stage in your product or business development cycle is an experiment. You define your hypothesis, that is what is it you want to find out?  Then you build the product, version or implement the business process. You measure your results and you learn.

The Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop as Reis calls it is the core of the Lean Startup Model.

Key #2. Develop a Minimum Viable Product MVP

I like the concept of a minimum viable product. This would be the no frills version that allows you to test your hypothesis. Because every stage of your product or business development is an experiment, you need to get your product in front of your customers in a real market and not a test market as quickly and at as low a cost to you. This Is good because you don’t need all the money in the world to do this. You just need to have a clear idea of the minimum features to have.

Key #3. Be Prepared To Pivot or Persevere

Every business person at some point will come to this crossroad. I have had to ask myself the simple question “am I making sufficient progress to justify my continuing on this path. Or do I need to make a major change. The Lean strartup method advocates a more scientific and objective approach to this decision. Innovation accounting according to Reis helps you measure your startup progress and you will have to decide if there is any real progress. This helps take out the emotions involved in your decision to continue on the current trajectory or to curse correct on a major basis.

Key #4. Identify Your Engine of Growth

This is a reality check for all businesses. You cannot remain a start up forever. You need to find your engine of growth and then ride it. Reis talks about three engines of growth. You will need to get the book to read more about these three.

    • The Sticky Engine of Growth
    • The Viral Engine of Growth
    • The Paid engine of gGrowth

Key #5. Innovate

According to Reis, to grow and thrive, businesses will need to evolve into organisations that learn how to successfully balance the needs of existing customers with the challenges of finding new customers to serve. You will need to effectively manage the existing lines of business while experimenting with new products.

You cannot continue experimenting with your product since you already have established customers who are happy with the look and feel of your product. You cannot however rely on this. You have to make the shift into portfolio thinking and always have new products in the pipeline. Constant innovation will help you maintain create a product portfolio.

Not a How to Manual

The Lean startup is not an how to manual so you will not find in it the seven steps to a perfect startup. And the lean start up approach does not guarantee startup success. It just helps you find out if your assumptions are wrong as quickly and as cheaply as possible.

The book is filled with examples and stories from Reis’s life experience as an entrepreneur and from the experience of many others who have employed the lean startup approach to business development.

Whatever you believe about business startup success, this book is worth your time and money.

Leave a comment if you have read this book.

Success Awaits Those Who Dare

To dare is to be audacious, to be bold and to step up to the challenge. Success at the next level awaits you only if you dare to step up to the plate and play.

Success Awaits Those Who Dare

This requires new sets of action. A change from our old ways of thinking and an application of these seven steps.

  1. Dare To Desire A New Level Of Success 

You will become as large as your controlling desire; or as great as your dominant aspiration ~ James Allen

You have to be intentional about success. It is not automatic. It has to be desired, planned for and worked towards.

The only thing that is guaranteed in the world we live is death and taxes. We will all die and we will all pay taxes directly or indirectly to our respective governments. But we will not all succeed in our endeavours.

What are you willing to sacrifice for success? At what cost? Relationships, your health or your emotional well being. Desire success but not at any cost.

  1. Dare To Pick Yourself Up From Failure

Every new venture is a risk and an adventure into the future. There is always the possibility that your next venture will not succeed. Perhaps your last venture was a failure. Dare to pick yourself up from this unsuccessful attempt and get back into the game.

To succeed, you have to learn from your mistakes. Such learning will only happen if you pause to evaluate and reflect on your decisions.

What went well? What can you do different next time? Make some notes, learn and move on.

  1. Dare To Embrace Excellence

Good enough is not good enough for the person who seeks to excel ~ Dana LaMon

It can always be done better the next time. According to my friend Marc, you need to find out what best looks like in your job and then proceed to exceed it.

Excellence has nothing to do with the resources available to you. It is an attitude that says I will exceed the expectations of my customers, my employees and my shareholders.

Todays consumers are time poor and choice rich. You will need to take some time to think through what additional benefits you can add that will improve the user experience of your product.

  1. Dare To Say No

The only thing that stands between you and what you want from life is often merely the will to try and the faith to believe that it is possible ~ Richard M DeVos

We all have self limiting beliefs and self sabotaging behaviour that kicks in when we reach our self imposed limits. Its also called the ‘Law of the Lid’.

A few years ago I had my name put forward as a substitute keynote speaker. My first inclination was to say no simply because I did not believe I was right for that role. However, I dared to say no to the thought, I stepped out of my comfort zone and spoke at the conference. I wish I could say that I was brilliant with that speech. I was not.

I have since spoken at larger events because I pushed through my self limiting beliefs and stepped into a whole new world with lots of opportunity to learn and grow.

  1. Dare To Take Action On Your Dreams

I am a great believer in the practice of having an ideas vault. This is the habit of  writing down or keeping some form of record of your ideas as they occur. But an ideas vault or bank serves no purpose if you continually make deposits without making withdrawals.

Become a person who regularly reviews his or her ideas and takes action on them. Think of it. Everything we have in the world today from the internet to key hole surgery on babies in the womb is just an idea acted upon.

Be a game changer and regularly act on your ideas

  1. Dare To Value Honesty And Integrity

According to Machiavelli, one could fight as a man doing the right thing or as a beast using force and being deceitful as the circumstance dictates. Leadership and personal integrity are not mutually exclusive.

Being honest and having integrity is one of the core elements of being credible. Credibility is believability which is based on trust. To have influence, a leader must be believable. Unless of course you have coercive powers.

Todays society demands openness, transparency and accountability from its leaders. Value honesty and integrity and you will be rewarded with trust which will ultimately decrease your transaction cost and time. These are great savings that lead to success.

  1. Dare To Be Different

To be different is to be true to yourself. To speak out when other people keep quiet and to keep quiet when others speak out. Go alone if you have to because you believe in yourself and you believe in your dream.

Learn to listen and trust your instincts. If your heart is not for it, let it go. There is always a better deal the next time. Patiently wait for it.

Do not succumb to the pressure of conforming. Success awaits you as you dare to be different.

The Next Level Awaits Those Who Dare

Think for a moment about what you have read. Wherever you are on your journey, be intentional about your success, learn from your failures, exceed expectations, say no to self imposed limits, take action on your ideas, be credible and dare to be different.

What will you dare to do to take you to the next level? Leave a comment.


Book Review: Do The Work by Steven Pressfield

Reading is an important part of my growth and development as a leader and entrepreneur. Much of my reading comes from recommendations from blogs I follow, friend and books I am currently reading or have read.

Where do you get your reading list from?

Do the work by Steven Pressfield.

On the field of the self stand a knight and a dragon. You are the knight. Resistance is the dragon ~ Steven Pressfield

Do the Work” is a book that helped me move from my position of inertia to completing my first blog and many other projects. The book is designed to coach you through a project such as writing a book, starting a new business venture or a philanthropic enterprise from conception and seeing it through to finish.


Steven Pressfield gets strait to the point of telling you that you will need to overcome resistance and get out of your own way if you want to accomplish anything as an artist or an entrepreneur.

According to Pressfield, there are three forces aligned against you in your pursuit of your dream as an artist or entrepreneur. These are:

  1. Resistance, which is fear, self-doubt, procrastination, distraction, timidity, perfectionism and the list, goes on.
  2. Rational thought.
  3. Friends and family.

And I quite enjoy reading through the list of eleven activities that commonly elicit resistance as see myself engaging in these activities and actually feeling the resistance. I will only mention the first three, as you will need to read the book for a comprehensive list.

  • The first is the pursuit of any calling in writing, music or creative art.
  • The second is the launching of any entrepreneurial venture or enterprise for profit or otherwise.
  • And finally any diet or heath regime.


The fear of failing will hold you back. Rational thought will paralyses you as you over analyse, over plan and over research your project. Friends and family will offer well-meaning advice clouded by their own vested interest at maintaining the status quo.

The bulk of the book is all about Pressfield’s solution, which is to “Do the work”, just get on with it. Of great value for me are his tips on the need to:

  1. Start before you are ready
  2. Suspend all self judgment
  3. Pull the trigger and ship it.

The book is filled with stories and personal experiences, “Do the Work” is a must read for you budding entrepreneurs, artists and anyone with a dream of making a change in his or her own life and in the lives of others.


Here is my challenge for you this week. What project have you been thinking about doing for a long time? What is holding you back?

I doesn’t matter up to this point what has been holding you from getting started on your ideas. All that matters now is for you to get on with it. Do the work. Decide on your next step and get on with it.

Make the effort to overcome resistance at every stage and see the project through to finish. You need to know that its not just about starting, its also about finishing. If you can’t finish, all your work is for nothing.

Have you read this book? Why not leave a comment on its impact on you.

Elevate Your Career – Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking

Imagine you spent the last six weeks researching, writing and preparing the slides for your next presentation. You even spent the last 24 hours rehearsing. You are confident and pleased with yourself. Yet as the moments draw near, the hours turn into minutes, your racing heart refuses to slow down.

Elevate Your Career - Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking

You were so impressed by the speaker before you that all remaining confidence you had about your preparation evaporated. You walk up to the front wishing this cup would pass you by. You place your notes on the table and look at your audience to begin speaking. Your mind goes blank, your hands are shaking and your mouth feels dry.

You try to speak but no words come out. You eventually fumble through your presentation. The audience applauds and you walk back to your seat telling yourself you will never again stand up before a group to speak.

That was me before I committed to developing my speaking skills.

Being Nervous Before A Presentation Is Normal

Many people are uncomfortable speaking in front of others. Be it a small group of three colleagues at work to a larger group of thirty or more at a wedding reception. The more formal the presentation, the more uncomfortable you are.

Nervousness before a presentation is normal. The difference between you and the other speakers whom you admire is that they have not let their nervousness hold them back.

The Only Way Is To Speak

The only way to overcome your fear of public speaking is to speak. There are no shortcuts. Speaking is one of those things you learn by doing. Just like you learn to drive, play golf or play the piano, you can learn how to speak. You learn to speak effectively and then you put what you learn into practice by speaking.

So how will improving your public speaking skills help you?

Benefits Of Good Speaking Skills.

  1. Your success in your career, in business and in public office often depends on how well you express your thoughts and ideas. Politicians have won and lost elections based on their performance in televised public debates.
  2. Good speaking skills will improve your chances at job interviews. Many job interviews now include presentations.
  3. You get better at motivating and inspiring people.
  4. You become better at conducting and participating at meetings.
  5. You get better at selling your ideas, products and winning people over to your point of view.
  6. Your ability to express yourself confidently in-front of others increases your self-confidence.

So How Do You Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

The anxiety you feel before you step up to the front and speak may never go away. You are going to have to learn to feel the fear and do it. So here are a few questions to ask yourself before getting up to speak.

  1. Have you got a message that someone needs to hear? Speaking is only a means of communicating your message. If you have something to say, if you have thoughts and ideas to express or if you have words that will inspire encourage and motivate others, then you owe it to yourself to get up and speak.
  2. Does anyone want to hear what you have to say? You will have to come up with an answer because if there is someone that needs to hear, then that person is waiting for you to speak up.
  3. Everyone started somewhere. What is worth doing well is going to be done badly at first. Do you think getting up to speak in front of an audience will have a positive impact on your life and career?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then its time to get the attention off yourself and commit to developing yourself as a speaker and presenter. Find a toastmasters club or any other speaking club near you and learn to speak in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Why not tell us how you got over your public speaking fears.