5 Things You Can Do to Improve the Performance of Your Team

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
~Michael Jordan

A few weeks ago, I attended an awards ceremony held by a particular organization. Let’s call this organization Team A. At the end of the night, the ceremony had rave reviews from people who enjoyed the event. From the music to the ambience to the food, everything was done well.

Just a week later I went to an event that was held by a different, unrelated organization. For argument’s sake, let’s call them Team B. Everything seemed to go wrong on the night of this event. There was confusion about the program for the evening, some entertainment acts were missing, and the event started and ended late.

What happened?

Simply put, there was a big difference in how well each team worked.

For some people, working in a team creates nothing but challenges, while for others, the idea of working with others is both enjoyable and productive. Whichever applies, when working in an organization, you can be certain that teamwork will be required to get your job done.

Good teamwork is highly prized because of a number of benefits that putting employees into teams can provide. These benefits include:

  • Increased productivity through synergy of effort
  • Increased customer satisfaction through improved customer service
  • Increased job satisfaction through increased employee empowerment

Of course, teamwork doesn’t always go as planned, and at times working in teams actually hinders productivity.  For example, with Team B above, it could be argued that they were less effective as a team than they would have been if they were working as independent individuals.

How to reap the benefits of a team

You can avoid the pitfalls of bad teamwork and reap the benefits of a more productive team by taking the time to understand how a team works and then making available the tools that will help your team function.

Here are five ways to help your team to become more efficient and productive:

1. Have clear goals

For a group or team to work effectively, you must ensure that goals are clearly expressed and explained. By outlining your goals, it will be much easier to track progress and make people accountable for progress towards those goals. With clear goals, progress can be broken down to monthly, weekly and even daily milestones to ensure that everybody stays on track.

2. Establish clear communication

A team’s overall effectiveness and productivity depends greatly on how well the team members communicate. Communication between your team members should be clear, and you should use agreed-upon methods and schedules to achieve maximum efficiency. Without good communication, it’s easy for misunderstandings to take place, which will greatly affect the efficiency of any group. With clear communication, issues that arise are addressed as quickly as possible, and little time is wasted. For example, Team A’s clear communication meant that each person knew their role in organizing the handing out of awards. On the other hand, it is likely that bad communication on Team B’s part led to confusion over responsibility for tasks and responsibilities on the night of the event.

3. Time frames and deadlines

Establishing time frames and deadlines is critical to ensure the effective running of a group. Each team member should have a deadline or time frame for each action or deliverable for which they are responsible. These deadlines will help the group to deliver the overall or larger goals within the groups agreed schedule.

Deadlines are necessary because they give focus to both the overall group and individual group members and they allow people to plan and to manage their time properly to deliver the best work possible.

4. Proper assignment of roles/successful delegation

Proper assignment or delegation of roles or tasks to team members is another important aspect of good team dynamics. Each team member should be assessed in terms of their knowledge, skills, and expertise in order to find their strengths. Tasks should then be assigned to team members as best matches their skills in order to achieve the team goal in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

By matching skills to tasks, you are ensuring that each task is completed to its maximum potential.

5. Learn about your team members

Another tried and tested method of improving group dynamics is to learn about your team members. In particular, it is important to identify the positive and negative group roles that your team members may play in order to help plan for possible issues in the future.

In addition, by using team-building techniques, you build and nurture healthy relationships with group members.

Working in a group doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With a bit of knowledge about how groups work, you can achieve more and aspire to greater achievements.

Please leave a comment with your thoughts.

Achieving Your Optimal Performance through Flow

A few days ago, I was working on a presentation in which I had to do quite a bit of work. It involved reading through a number of profiles and summarizing them into a format that would be easy to read in my presentation software.

Bear on Alaska: Flow

It was a bit tedious at first, but I found myself becoming quicker and more effective at the task. Not only that, I began to ignore the things that usually distract me on the internet.  I dedicated all of my focus on the presentation and almost felt myself being “sucked in” to my work.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. My co-worker poked his head in to tell me that the office was closing. I had become so engrossed in what I was doing that I had not even noticed that it was time to leave!

I was in flow.

What is flow?

Flow is a term coined by psychology professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Simply put, flow is an automatic, effortless yet highly focused state of consciousness you can experience when devoting yourself to a meaningful challenge. When you’re in flow, your sense of time is altered and your concentration deepens.

With flow allowing workers to perform at their highest possible level, a state known as optimal performance, it is easy to see how this can provide benefits in the workplace.

The question of flow in the workplace is how to achieve it.

Attaining flow isn’t easy – in fact it can prove often downright elusive. Even I myself have only occasionally been able to get into flow. However, there are ways to increase your chances of getting into flow.

How to get into flow

1. Establish priorities 

Deciding and working on only the most important task is one way to increase your chances of getting into flow. By doing so, your mind will be less burdened by tasks that are less important and that might distract you from focusing on a task.

Because I was focused on finishing my presentation, I was able to ignore everything else and prioritise my task, allowing me to focus and more easily get into flow.

2. Get comfortable 

Your personal surroundings are an important factor in allowing you to achieve flow.  If you are comfortable both physically and mentally, you will be less likely to become distracted, facilitating the opportunity for flow to occur.

There are many different aspects to consider – for example the atmosphere, clothes you wear, and even working relationships can affect your likelihood of getting into flow. If I wasn’t in a physical and mental comfortable state, I probably wouldn’t have been able to get into flow and complete my presentation!

3. Match the challenge of your work with your skills 

In order to get into flow, it is important to have a balance between the challenge of your task and your personal skills. When these two are out of alignment, you will either be too bored or too frustrated to achieve a flow state.

Instead of simply going on with your regular schedule, restructure your work in a way in which your skills and the challenge of the task are balanced in order to attain a flow state. Because of the fact that my presentation challenged my skills without overwhelming me, I was able to achieve the balance so important in achieving a flow state.

You don’t have to be a drone just living out a boring work life while being unproductive. By working to attain flow, you too can increase your performance and become more effective and efficient at work. Not only that, but being able to perform at your best for long periods of time will also help you to have a more fulfilling work life.

Why not leave a comment and tell us how you get into the flow.

Your Body Language Can Make a Difference

Good body language is the underestimated art of using your body to enhance your message. Whether you are talking to one or one thousand, your body language can support or deduct from your message. Like a book being read aloud, your audience can hear your unspoken words via your body language.

Old books and glasses

Here is a question for you. Who would you select for a job?

A.  A person who slouches while giving a presentation, speaks timidly and looks down to the ground when they are approached?


B. A person who stands up tall, looks at you in the eye when talking to you and speaks loudly and clearly?

If you chose B, then you are in the majority. Most people would pick the later candidate because of the effective body language.

Good communication

While you may have thought that what you say with words matters, there is a substantial part of your intention that remains unsaid but is spoken without words. Some have said that up to 53 to 93% of all communication is exchanged through non verbal cues. I am not going to argue about percentages. However, I can assure you that those who have mastered the art of deliberately using your body during communication get ahead and remain ahead. Excellent communication skills which includes body language is essential for effective leadership.

Importance of body language

Your body language can betray your true intentions. However, you can also use you body as a means of making more impact with your message. Let me show you how you can do this.

5 simple tips for using your body language to communicate better.

#1. Smile more

Something as simple as a smile can improve your own mood and make you get along better with the people around you. When you smile, your brain and nervous system adapts your emotional state to mirror your physical state, thus putting you in a better mood.

Your smile will communicate the feeling that you are more approachable, cooperative and trustworthy. Others are encouraged to smile back at you and there facial expression will trigger a positive feeling towards you.

#2. Hand gestures

The parts of the brain that you use for hand gestures are the same ones used for speech. By using hand gestures while speaking, you stimulate the parts of the brain used for speech and get it more active. Research has shown that while using physical hand gestures, people get clearer thoughts and their verbal content improves. In other words, by using your hands, you not only get your message through nonverbally, but you also become a better speaker.

#3. Get people to like you by mirroring them

When people copy your body language, they are non verbally saying that they like you or agree with you. By mirroring others body language, you can make the other person feel better understood and accepted. This helps to build a better relationship.

#4. Boost your confidence with power poses

Research has shown that holding you body in a “power poses” such as leaning back with your hands behind your head can have a major effect on your hormones and behaviour. Holding your body in power poses can stimulate testosterone which is a hormone linked to power and dominance. Not only that, but this power positions will also lower your level of cortisol, a stress hormone. These hormonal changes have been linked to better performance and more confident and assertive behaviour. In addition to you feeling better about yourself, you will have a bigger impact with what you are saying. This is because it has been found that people are influenced by how you feel about yourself.

#5. Maintain eye contact

Eye contact is an important part of communicating your message effectively. Eye contact makes the other person feel special. They get the feeling that you are talking directly to them and as such will give you their attention.

When I can see your eyes, I know that you have nothing to hide and so I can trust you, like you and I am more likely to be influenced by you. You will however need to consider the cultural setting in which you are as it is unacceptable in some cultures to look directly at people.

Why not try to one of these simple tips and see if it makes any difference in you getting your message across. Leave a comment below with your feedback.

How Better Anger Management Can Help You Reduce Stress At Work

Work related stress has been defined by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as a harmful reaction people have due to undue pressures and demands placed on them at work. Simply put, stress is your reaction to the pressures of life and work.

How Better Anger Management Can Help You Reduce Stress At Work

Being under too much stress can have negative impacts on your physical and mental well being. But you can learn to respond to the pressures of work in ways that will not cause you harm. And one of such ways is to learn to control your anger.

Stress and anger have been found to be related. Anger is one of the emotions that puts the body under stress. For example, when angry, I can feel my heart beat faster. This could be a sign of raised blood pressure. If I remain angry or stressed for long periods, the possibilities of a heart attack cannot be ruled out.

Anger in itself can be a good thing. However uncontrolled anger will negatively harm you and others around you. If you control your anger, you will create a conducive environment for yourself, your family and your work colleagues.

Here are six ways to manage your anger and reduce stress.

#1. Recognise the signals, signs and triggers

This means you have to increase your self awareness and understand the events or activities that have the potential of triggering your anger. This increased awareness can prevent anger outbursts from happening. Should you be unable to avoid the situation, you can plan your response before hand and react rationally rather than with anger.

#2. Avoid anger triggers

Avoiding unnecessary and unhelpful situations that trigger your anger is another way of practicing good anger management. For example, you may be frequently upset because of your long daily commute or because you are overloaded with work. By doing such things as leaving home a little earlier to avoid the rush hour or by asking a colleague at work for assistance with the workload, you can avoid situations that trigger anger.

#3. Learn anger relieving behaviour

By using anger relieving techniques, you can stop your anger from getting out of hand. Simple techniques such as slowing down your breathing or counting to ten are effective in relieving anger.

#4. Take good care of your health

If your body is under a lot of stress and strain, you could be prone to angry outbursts. Just getting a good nights rest will prevent you from feeling cranky and irritable in the morning.

A proper work life balance can also help to prevent your being frustrated. Taking good care of your physical and mental health will ensure that you have a much higher capacity to deal with situations without getting angry.

#5. Exercise

Exercise is closely related to a healthy lifestyle. Exercise helps you to physically express your emotions in a safe and useful way. Exercise is also known to stimulate chemicals in the brain that helps you feel much happier, relaxed and in a good mood. Running, swimming, meditation and yoga are all exercises that help you deal with anger.

#6. Get support

Having a support network of family and friends you trust is a good thing. If you are under pressure at work, you need to be able to talk to someone you can trust. Simply finding ways to talk about challenges is in itself therapeutic. You can also receive motivation to stop your angry outbursts and other forms of help.

Just do it

Practicing anger management with some of the techniques listed above can help you regain self-control in difficult situations. This will in turn give a positive boost to your personal and work life.

Do you know any anger management techniques not listed? Why not share your tips with some of our readers by leaving a comment.

Unleash Your Creative Potential

The ability to be truly creative is a prized and cherished asset of a leader.

Unleash your Creative Potential

According to a study of corporate executives around the world, creativity was found to be the most important leadership quality needed to succeed in todays business world. This view is supported by what is experience daily in the workplace. You regularly have to come up with novel ideas and solutions to challenges at almost a moment’s notice.

However, for many people the creative mood is not something that can be generated with the snap of a finger. It seems that creativity strikes when we least expect. And when we want to be creative, we find it difficult to summon that creative mood.

Thankfully, there are ways in which creativity can be nurtured and you can increase your ability to be creative at all times.

So here are 7 methods for increasing your creative spark.

#1. Get Regular Exercise

Studies have shown that exercise has a major effect in boosting creative thinking, and that this effect can last for several hours.

It is believed that the ability of exercise to put people into a positive mood is linked with the promotion of creativity. Whatever the case, engage in regular exercise to get both the physical and creative stimulation that your body and mind needs to get the creative juices flowing.

#2. Idea-Storm

Another way to boost creativity is to come up with as many ideas as possible about the issue or challenge you are examining. Don’t worry about whether or not these ideas are applicable. Your primary objective is to come up with as many ideas as you can dream up.

The more ideas you come up with, the more you are likely to find a creative solution to your challenge.

#3. Take a Break When Stuck 

You can jump start the creative process by taking a break whenever you hit a roadblock. When you return to the problem you will suddenly be able to approach it with a fresh point of view. This is known as the  incubation effect, where illumination or insight often takes place on resumption of a task that you have taken a mental break from.

The next time you are in a creative rut, take a break from the task at hand, and you will be surprised to realise that you suddenly have a creative solution to a problem that you previously found challenging.

#4. Adopt a Creative Community 

Creativity can be infectious. The more creative people around you, the more likely you are to catch the creative bug.

By surrounding yourself with people who are themselves creative, and by promoting creativity in the workplace and other environs, you too will be inspired to become more creative.

#5. Grow Your Experiences 

Having a wide range of varied experiences can make you more creative.

Steve Jobs believed that you can draw creativity from experiences you have personally gone through. It follows therefore that your creative potential will increase with an increase in the number and diversity of your personal experience.

Seek out new experiences. Put yourself in different environments and suddenly your creativity will flourish.

#6. Embrace Absurdity

By letting your mind run wild and by thinking of radical or even absurd ways of addressing an issue, you can jump start creativity.

Because of the restrictive rules and norms that have been imposed on us by society, we often limit our creativity unconsciously. Using your imagination and not letting yourself be bound by every day limitations allows your mind to shift and you see things in novel ways.

#7. Project Yourself Into The Future

Projecting yourself or your issue into the future is another way to boost your creativity. By visualising yourself in the future with the problem solved, you can connect the dots and creatively figure out what you need to do to achieve your goals.

Creativity isn’t something that can be studied in a book or memorised. Your creative mind must be used and exercised regularly to enable it to continue turning out solutions to your everyday problems. These 7 simple steps will help you unleash your creative potential. And your ability to lead your team and your business will increase.

For more information, check out this course that will help to build your creative muscle.

Becoming a More Inspirational Leader

Being an inspirational leader is important in unlocking the potential of your team in achieving shared goals. Within the workplace, inspirational leaders motivate employees to work harder and become more efficient at their jobs.  In addition, workers are happier and they receive enjoyment and intrinsic satisfaction with their increased output.

Becoming a More Inspirational Leader

Because of these benefits, it’s easy to see why leaders would want to become inspirational. However, it isn’t always easy to become an inspirational leader, and many people try and fail to successfully inspire their workers.

Thankfully, the ability to become an inspirational leader is something that can be developed. Here are 7 things you can do to becoming a more inspirational leader:

#1. Engage Your Team

Successfully engaging and connecting with your team is critical in developing your inspirational skills. By engaging your followers, you will ensure that you are constantly communicating with them in order to hear their concerns and gain feedback. Your regular engagement will establish a deeper connection  which leads to a better understanding of their needs and feelings.

#2. Be a Role Model

To inspire people, you must display the same behaviour and work ethic you would like to see. It is almost impossible to inspire others from a distance, or without you openly displaying the same behaviours you would like others to emulate. By being a leader who is on the front lines and engaging in necessary but undesirable tasks, followers will in turn be inspired to do the same, and will raise their output in order to match yours.

#3. Display Energy

People are naturally inspired by others who display a high level of energy and enthusiasm. They will often be driven to perform by being inspired by the energy and enthusiasm around them. Research has shown that leaders displaying high levels of energy can be directly responsible for increasing sales and productivity. By openly displaying high energy levels, your employees or followers will be inspired to get fired up and work harder.

#4. Develop a Vision

To be an inspirational leader, you need to have a vision about where you would like to take your team or organisation. The vision will focus on the future. The vision should present an image with words of the desired future. By focusing on the future and developing a vision, you have a goal which everyone can aspire to achieve.

#5. Be Enthusiastic About What You Do

You must be passionate and enthusiastic about your leadership position in order to inspire that passion in others. If you are not passionate, it will be difficult to inspire others. Team members will sense that you are not authentic and may become distrustful of or demotivated by your efforts to get them to be more productive and efficient. However, by committing yourself to your role as a leader and by believing in and loving what you do, then you will find that others will be naturally inspired by you.

#6. Use Positive Reinforcement

By paying attention to what your workers or followers are doing right and rewarding them for it, then you will be able to inspire them to be more productive. While the reward doesn’t have to be material, providing positive reinforcement for a job well done will encourage your workers to push even harder in doing their tasks well.

#7. Turn Your Work into a Story

By turning what you need your followers to do into a compelling story, you will be able to give your worker’s efforts a bigger meaning. By turning your work into a compelling story, your workers can see themselves as important within the whole process of the work or business. In addition, they will also get a sense of meaning and purpose in their jobs as they see how they can make a material difference through a powerful story.

Being an inspirational leader isn’t always easy. However, truly inspirational leaders are often fulfilled by the fact that they have inspired other to contribute more to their cause. By being an inspiring leader, you are able to influence others to achieve your common goals quickly and effectively. This leads to higher levels of professional development for both yourself and those you are leading.

7 Ways You Can Benefit from Having a Positive Attitude

There are a range of benefits to be gained from maintaining a positive and upbeat attitude.  Scientific evidence has shown that there are a number of benefits to optimism and a positive attitude.

Believe In Yourself

Here are 7 ways in which you can benefit from having a positive attitude:

1. Your Immune System is Boosted

Numerous studies have shown that having an optimistic or positive outlook can have positive effect on your short term health. In fact, studies have shown that positive people show a better immune response to infectious diseases  than pessimistic persons, meaning that people with positive attitudes are less susceptible to illness and are able to recover more quickly from many infectious diseases than their pessimistic peers.

2. Your Life is Prolonged

Positive attitudes have also been shown to lengthen your life span. According to the American Journal of Cardiology, those with a positive outlook are more likely to outlive those with negative mindsets. Although there is no definitive answer as to why people with positive attitudes experience this  benefit, scientists have theorized that it may be that positive people are more likely to live healthy lifestyles, or that positive people are under less stress, and experience fewer of the harmful effects that stress has on the body. As a result, positive people are less likely to suffer from diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer that cut many people’s lives short.

3. You’re Less Stressed Out

People with a positive outlook are less likely to be stressed, and recover from stress more quickly than those with pessimistic attitudes. People with positive attitudes are less likely to dwell on negative aspects of their life and therefore less likely to become stressed out when negative events do occur. Not only that, but people with positive attitudes are more likely to use “silver lining” thinking, where they are able to take positives from stressful events.

4. You are More Confident

People who have a positive outlook often feel more confident and have higher self esteem than those with negative mindsets. People with positive attitudes often have high levels of self-confidence and a belief in their ability to control situations that they are in. By replacing negative thoughts with positive ones about yourself, you will find that your self-confidence will suddenly blossom.

5. You Have Better Mental Health

Having a positive attitude is associated with having fewer mental health issues. In fact, according to one study by the Mayo Clinic, pessimists were more likely to suffer from depression. Not only that, but one study shows that teaching people to be more optimistic can actually significantly decrease the level of depression that a person may be facing. In other words, being optimistic means that you feel better about yourself and others. A positive attitude has also been known to improve other mental issues such as anxiety and general distress.

6. You build new skills

Having a positive attitude makes it easier for you to build new skills and resources. This is known as the “broaden and build” theory, because positive emotions broaden your sense of possibilities and open you to new experiences, encouraging you to build new skills and gain expertise. In contrast, negative emotions encourage you to not try new things because of the threat they may pose, thus stunting your emotional and personal development.

7. You have better relationships

People with positive attitudes have bigger social circles and closer personal relationships than those with negative mindsets. Because of a positive mindset, positive people are more likely to actively seek to enlarge their social circles, and also are more comfortable with forming tight knit bonds that persons with negative mindsets may be uncomfortable with.

Having a positive and optimistic attitude can have a major positive effect on both psychical and psychological well-being. A number of studies have shown that positive attitudes are closely linked with a number of benefits such as better long term and short term physical health and better mental health. In addition, being positive also allows you to unlock your true potential and become a well-rounded individual. If you’re not a positive person, it is important to try to turn things around for your own well-being. Simple things such as surrounding yourself with positive people and identifying areas to think more positively about are important to be able to reap the benefits of a positive mindset.

7 Tips for Improving Your Emotional Intelligence

Once you are in the field, emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be most successful, because it is how well we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job ~ Daniel Goleman

Improving Your Emotional Intelligence

Far from being an unimportant aspect of leadership, Emotional intelligence  is an essential skill for a well rounded leader. Daniel Goleman, the world renowned authority on Emotional Intelligence in his study of over 200 large companies found that the effective leaders are distinguished by a high degree of emotional intelligence which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. So what is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognise and understand the emotions in yourself and in others. This awareness is then used to manage your behaviour and relationships.

Emotional intelligence is said to be twice as important as IQ and technical skills for excelling at your job. The higher and more influential your position is, the more critical emotional intelligence is at excelling in your work.

A high emotional intelligence presents a range of benefits for you as a leader. It boosts your chances of career success, enhances your entrepreneurial potential and increases your leadership effectiveness. In addition, a high emotional intelligence will increase your ability to manage stress and reduce your chances of suffering from stress induced diseases.

Improving Your Emotional Intelligence

Improving emotional intelligence should be a priority of every leader and aspiring leader. So here are 7 simple ways to improve your emotional intelligence:

#1. Practice Self-Awareness.

Increased self-awareness is the foundation for improving you emotional intelligence. To connect with others on an emotional level, you must first be aware of your own emotions. Self-awareness helps you discover your true self. And this can be an unpleasant exercise because we almost alway present a masked version of ourself to the outside world.

Here are some things you can do to increase your self-awareness:

  • Know who and what pushes your buttons
  • Stop treating your feelings as good or bad
  • Keep a Journal about your emotions
  • Stop and ask yourself why you do the things you do
  • Spot your emotions in books, movies and music

#2. Get an Emotional Intelligence Coach

Emotional Intelligence coaching has been shown to make a significant impact in recognising and managing your emotions. With coaching, you are able to improve your interpersonal skills, negotiation skills and social etiquette. Coaching will increase your ability to manage stress and improve your leadership performance under pressure.

#3. Get Accurate Feedback

People looking to improve their emotional intelligence need to have accurate feedback on their improvements. Measuring your own progress yourself will undoubtable introduce some form of bias. So you need an impartial source of feedback and information to help track progress and initiate necessary changes.

Using personality tests or seeking opinions from unbiased persons about your emotional competency is a great way to know what aspects of your EI that needs working on.

#4. Be Willing to Change

To increase your emotional intelligence and improve your relational effectiveness, you must be willing to change some of your behaviours. Many of the interventions designed to build your emotional intelligence will be ineffective if you are simply unwilling to make the necessary changes. It is a known fact that those who need the boost most are those who are unwilling to change. By accepting the fact that there are areas of your emotional intelligence that can be improved will make a big difference in your success in raising your emotional intelligence.

#5. Put Yourself in Other’s Shoes

Putting yourself in other’s shoes or empathising will help you build your emotional intelligence. Try to put yourself in someones situation and examine how you would feel if you were in that situation. Think of some of the different issues that person may be going through.

Now try and figure out how you would appreciate being treated if you were in that situation. All these actions will help in empathising, and go along way in developing your emotional intelligence.

#6. Write Your Thoughts

Writing down your thoughts and feelings is another way to develop your emotional intelligence.  We may not always be consciously aware of our moods and feelings, but by writing things down, we examine what goes through our minds and how and why it gets there.

Writing your emotions down allows you to spot patterns of behaviour and serves as a guide to what needs to change and when changes need to be made.

#7. Effective Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Effective communication is needed to for developing and improving emotional intelligence. Learning to identify and respond appropriately to nonverbal cues is important. This is because nonverbal communication often conveys more information than verbal communication. Observe peoples body language and facial expressions to get an insight into their thoughts and feelings.

Having a high Emotional Intelligence is important in your life as a leader and as an individual. High emotional intelligence provides a number of benefits at work and in social settings.

By adopting some or all of these seven simple steps, you can raise your emotional intelligence and contribute to your own success as a leader.

Are you emotionally aware? Why not leave a comment below.

7 Ways to Combat Procrastination

The war against procrastination is an ongoing one for many people. Because of procrastination, your workday can end up becoming hours lost to drifting thoughts, distractions and diversions. Your days task is incomplete. Suddenly you realise that an entire day has been wasted and you have to set out another day to do the same work.

Combating Procrastination

Procrastination divides your attention and prevents concentration.

Why We Procrastination

In general we procrastinate because of one or more of the following reasons:

  • The need to avoid anxiety
  • The inability to control our impulses to engage in enjoyable activities
  • The need to avoid a stressful task or assignment
  • The inability to maintain focus
  • The need to avoid failure or success

Thankfully, there are a number of effective ways to combat procrastination. Here are 7 useful methods to defeat procrastination:

#1. Eliminate Distractions

By taking away the availability of objects or activities that might distract you and stop you from focusing on the task at hand, you will become more productive and reduce procrastination. In fact, it has been shown that people can only reach peak productivity by focusing on one activity at a time.

Distractions not only cause you to procrastinate while being distracted, but it also means that you have to re-focus on the task every time you are distracted.

In order to defeat procrastination, set aside some time when you will only concentrate on the one activity that needs to be done. Put away any object that might distract you from what you need to get done.

#2. Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for sustained productivity is a great way to combat procrastination. By setting yourself a goal and choosing a reward  that will keep you motivated, you are more likely to stay focused with the reward at the back of your mind.

While many employees may have set rewards, it is more difficult for leaders as you may have to come up with novel ways of rewarding yourself. So next time that you have a task you need to complete, set yourself a suitable but enticing reward for not procrastinating and work towards attaining your goal with that reward in mind.

#3. Separate Work and Play Areas

By separating the areas where you work from those that you engage in other activities, you can cut down on the amount of procrastination that you do. Instead of working in a number of different places, ensure that you have a dedicated office or area where you work. All other activities such as watching television and socialising on social media should be avoided from your dedicated work area. By doing this, you automatically switch to “work mode” whenever you enter your work area. This also gives you a place to go whenever you need to be productive.

#4. Have a Productivity Buddy

Having others encourage you to stay productive will go a long way in beating procrastination. This type of positive peer pressure will keep you more focused. This is because someone is watching and monitoring your progress. Your productivity buddy becomes a valuable resource to support and encourage you to increase your productivity and avoid procrastination.

#5. Set a schedule/to do list

Making a schedule of activities that need to be done may prove to be effective in beating procrastination. The University of Oregon recommends scheduling tasks such as creating a list of activities to be completed and planning a realistic weekly schedule.

Many people who procrastinate do so because they underestimate the amount of time that they have to complete tasks or underestimate how much time each task should take. By scheduling your tasks, you can better estimate exactly how much you need to get done daily and also ensure that you don’t spend too much or too little time on each task.

#6. Prioritize

Organising your tasks by priority will ensure that you reach maximum productivity. Even if you spend your entire day working, you would not reach peak productivity if you saved the most important tasks for last, leading you to rush the work and commit errors. By prioritising and separating tasks according to their urgency, you can ensure that you reach peak productivity and dedicate more time to the most important and urgent tasks.

#7. Just do it

By starting on tasks as quickly as possible, you can limit the amount of procrastination you are subject to. According to the University of California, people are less likely to procrastinate on tasks that they have already started, because of their inherent drive to finish tasks that are already underway.  Instead of waiting to start that project or paper, clear your desk and begin working on it now.

Even though procrastination may feel good while you’re doing it, it can lead to stress, headache, and broken deadlines. By following these 7 ways to combat procrastination, you too can beat procrastination and chart a highly productive course for your life and business.

Why not leave a comment and tell me about your experience at combatting procrastination.

7 Ways To Manage Your Stress Level

Your ability to manage your stress levels will distinguish you as a well-adapted and balanced leader.

7 Ways To Manage Your Stress Level

Stress can be good for you and I. This is because stress can encourage change. And change can lead to improved performance on and off the job.

There are however a few not so good things about stress. Here are a few I can think of.

Effects of Stress on You

  • Stress can take a negative toll on health and well being
  • Stress can lead to suppression of the immune system
  • Stress can make the body susceptible to a number of infectious diseases
  • Stress has been linked to other diseases such as hives, ulcers and heart diseases
  • Stress can induce emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression

7 Ways to Effectively Manage Stress

It is almost impossible to completely eliminate stress. However, there are a number of ways you can reduce the amount of stress you have and train yourself to cope with stress.Taking some of these measures will reduce the physical and emotional health tolls of stress.

Here are 7 ways to effectively manage stress:

#1. Recognise the Signals of Oncoming Stress

One of the ways to best cope with stress is to recognise the signals that you are becoming too stressed. You need to know what activities and events trigger raised stress levels in your life. This will help you come up with strategies to reduce the amount of stress you are facing. It can also be an opportunity to weigh the benefits of some activities or completely eliminate activities that are particularly stressful.

#2. Build a Support System

By building a support system of co-workers, friends and family, you are better able to manage stress. Support systems are useful because others can help or assist you with emotional support during stressful events or activities. They can also suggest strategies for helping you cope with stress.

#3. Proper Planning and Organising

Proper planning and organising of your daily tasks is essential to good stress management. A study by noted psychologist Robert Epstein identified planning as the best technique for managing stress. Many people become stressed due to time pressures, where they leave important activities for the last minute then feel rushed and stressed to finish them within a short period of time. By planning, organising, and setting a schedule, you manage your time better and allow enough time to complete important activities without having to rush.  As a result, you have more time to relax and are not constantly be under pressure to finish a task.

#4. Exercise

Exercise is critical to building your body’s ability to manage stress. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise reduces stress and anxiety, improves your ability to sleep and boosts your immune system’s defences. Even though many leaders may not believe that they have the time to exercise, just a few minutes 2-3 days per week will have a major effect on your body’s ability to manage stress.

#5. Daily breaks

It is important to take breaks during the day to relieve stress. By giving yourself time to get away from stress, your body can return to its de-stressed condition. You refresh yourself mentally and put yourself in a better position to tackle stressful events and activities. While leaders may be tempted to commit to a non-stop work schedule, these breaks often prove to be a great boost to productivity in addition to relieving stress.

#6. Confront Stress Head on

By confronting unavoidable stressful events instead of trying to avoid them, you limit the time that they can take a toll on your body and mind. In addition to limiting this, confronting stressful activities also allows you to lessen their effect on you as your body is not affected as negatively. Feel the fear and do it. Take on the stressful task, complete it and then move on.

#7. Rest and Relaxation

Getting enough rest and relaxation is critical in properly managing stress levels. By getting enough sleep and taking enough time away from work, you allow your body to recover from stressful environments. You also reduce the negative physical and emotional effects of stress on your life.

Stress is Unavoidable

Even though stress is an unavoidable part of our daily routine, it doesn’t have to take a major toll on your mental and physical health. By following the above tips, you can achieve a successful work/life balance and achieve successful stress management.

Why not leave a comment and tell me how you manage stress.