Writing for us

Let me thank you for coming to our website and for considering writing for us.

Take this as a personal invitation to write for us and I would be highly honoured to have you as a regular contributor to this blog.

I have included some useful links to help you get started.

How does writing for us benefit you?

  1. You will add value to peoples lives.
  2. You will build your confidence as a writer.
  3. We will provide you with an avenue to develop and improve your expertise in your chosen topic.
  4. You will get an opportunity to explore and test materials for your next book.
  5. You will get more exposure for your own personal blog and face book page.

How often will you need to write?

You can write as often as you want. But in order for you to make an impact, we would recommend that you contribute a minimum of one blog post a month.

So what will you write about?

Our primary blog posts are on Leadership and Personal development topics. This is a wide area so you may wish to narrow it down to topics you are passionate about. Writers who are passionate about their subject are fun and interesting to read.

No matter how little you think you know about a subject, you know a lot more about this subject than many people. So I would say write from the heart about what you know and you will be surprised how many people will get value from reading your post.

When can you start?

Start now and not later. Get started and write your first post for us today. I have included a list of online resources that can help you in crafting your blog.

I look forward to receiving your first article.

Please feel free to get in touch with me should you have any more questions.

Regards and best wishes

Wole Ososami


10 Useful Links to get you started writing for us