Listening has been described by Frances Hesselbein as an effective way of learning what others value. We listen to our customers, we listen to our employees and we listen to our shareholders. We listen to our spouse, we listen to our loved ones and we listen to our friends. Many people say that they do not know what to say in a conversation. Well, just listen. Most people just want someone to listen to them. You be that listening leader and your organisation, your team and your family will benefit.

Benefits of Effective Listening
- Shows that you care
- Helps you find out what others need or want.
- Builds rapport and mutual respect between people.
- Rewards you with increased customer confidence which easily translates to return business.
- Increases participation employees.
- It makes you pleasant to be around
Listening takes on a bigger significance when leaders leave their offices to meet employees on the shop floor. In such instances, listening conveys a feeling of inclusion, a sense of contribution and inclusion in the decision making process. It is also worth noting that the content of the discussion, that is what is being talked about, is not so important when it is the boss who doing the listening.
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care ~ John Maxwell
The listening leader must exhibit a genuine concern for the subordinate or the listening and chatting may be perceived as a trick.
In small organisations, the close proximity of the leader to the front line means that listening and chatting must be an integral part of the work. There has to be a deliberate effort to incorporate non work related talk into conversations. I had someone once tell me that my work environment was too quiet. Social chatter needs to be a part of the work culture, to deliberately create the unofficial communications channel where issues and concerns are made. And the leader(s) must be a part of this.
- Show Genuine Concern.
You will have to show an interest in the discussion. You facial expression and body language be congruent and express you interest in the topic. You have to stop all other activity and focus on the person talking.
- Listen with the Intention to Understand.
One of the most common things people do when another person is talking is to begin rehearsing their own contribution. Steven Covey calls this Empathic Listening. You are listening to get the other persons frame of reference see the world from that persons point of view.
- Suspend Judgement
It is so easy to think that we know where the story is going to end and as such we begin to interject with our own conclusions based on our point of view and experiences. This will not help your listening. You need to listen to the whole story before making up your mind as to what is being conveyed. This takes some patience and practice but I very rewarding.
- Summarise What You Have Heard.
There is a need to reassure the person speaking that you are listening. One of the ways to do this is to summarise what you have heard when the speaker has major pauses. This must be done with great care so that it is not perceived as interruptions. Use your own words to express what you have heard. This also gives the person speaking an opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings.
- Ask Questions.
Asking questions is an important part of the listening process. It shows the speaker that you are listening and interested in the discussion. It also allows you an opportunity to clarify points that you have not understood.
- Don’t Interrupt.
This can be a difficult one especially if you find yourself with someone who likes to talk. If you have limited time, state that clearly at the beginning of the conversation and when you have to leave, find a pause in the conversation and state your intention to end the conversation at that point.
Are you a good listener? If so leave a comment.