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Wole Ososami

Five Benefits of Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom for me is a freedom from money worries. This can be elusive simply because we are bombarded with images and adverts that fuel our desire to want more and yet our income or finances invariable does not keep up with our wants. So we spend more than we earn and then get into debt.

Young Woman Agonizing Over Financial Calculations.

A good financial plan is a road map that shows exactly how the choices we make today will affect our future – Alexa Von Tobel

Most of us will always have a limited money supply and so we must curb our appetite for spending.

In Taking Control of Money, we learn step by step how to establish financial freedom and how to ultimately create wealth – two valuable tools for you.

For me financial freedom is a journey. I still have money worries so I am not there yet. I am on the road and its a beautiful road to travel.

Let me give you what I consider to be some benefits of financial freedom.

1. Freedom From Debt

Imagine a life without debt. No credit card loans to pay, no mortgagees outstanding, all your income goes to growing your cash reserve and investments. I hear you saying such a world does not exist. Yes it does. To get there you simply have to learn to spend less than you earn.

2. Freedom to Increase your savings

I was asked the question, why save when you will only get a little interest on your savings? Here is my answer.

Savings is a natural thing that occurs when you spend less than you have. To put it in simply if your income exceeds your spending, you will have cash which you can then do with as you please. You save to build a healthy cash reserve and you save to have the money to take advantage of investment opportunities that may come your way. For example having the necessary deposit for a mortgage.

3. Freedom to do what you want

When you are not at the mercy of creditors, you can do a lot. For example, you can start your own business, move to another city or country or make other big decisions without worrying about paying your debt.

4. Freedom from Financial Stress

Without debt, you can avoid the physical and mental impact of financial stress.

5. Freedom to start creating wealth

Ultimately, wealth creation is what will give you financial freedom. But you can only create wealth if you have a positive cash flow to enable you take the steps. Wealth creation involves risk so you must seek advice from qualified professionals before deciding to put your hard earned money in some investment.

Get your copy of the book Taking control of Money. Also download your free Taking Control of Money Workbook.

I Have My Budget Working for Me, Now What?

So, you have followed my advice and started work on taking charge of your finances. Good for you! I am glad to know that you have created a budget and that it is working to help you cut expenses where you can and to save money when possible.


But a great budget is only half the battle. If you are looking to not only save money at the end of every month, but to actually build wealth, there is still work to be done. Let’s take a look at what you can do to start accomplishing that.

Taking Control of Money

Taking Control of Money – A Young Adults Guide To Financial Freedom (London: The Vine Media, 2014)

If you have not yet read Taking Control of Money: A Young Adult’s Guide to Financial Freedom, what are you waiting for? This book is packed with valuable information that can not only help keep you free of debt, but that can actually help you create your own wealth. It isn’t some gimmick where you buy “secrets to making money overnight” or anything of that sort, but rather a hands-on guide to truly taking control of your finances so that you can make money through savings and investments.

What The Book Has to Offer

Taking Control of Money is broken down into five chapters, also known as keys. Each key is another step towards establishing financial independence and creating wealth. The five keys are:

  1. Know the True Value of Your Money – In this section we examine things like compound interest, the things money can and cannot do, the time value of money, and how to spend more wisely.
  2. Take Charge of Your Financial Freedom – In this section we look at the many benefits of financial freedom and begin setting both long and short-term goals for achieving this freedom. We use the SMART system to make sure that goals are easily achievable and close out with a section on having a job versus owning a business.
  3. Budgeting and Planning Your Way to Financial Freedom – In this section, we look at the true benefits of honest budgeting and how it can be the biggest step towards smarter spending. We look at how to create your own budget and even offer a sample budget template for you to use. We also talk about various budgeting skills and mindsets, create a piggybank technique for saving money, and offer a savings and investment toolkit.
  4. Developing Financial Disciplines – In the fourth key, we examine the reasons behind most young adults’ financial problems and discuss how important it is to change your mindset when it comes to spending money. We look at the value of financial discipline when it comes to saving and spending before moving on to specific disciplines such as delayed gratification and a heart of gratitude.
  5. Creating Wealth – In the final key, we take a look at the path one needs to take in order to create wealth, such as seeking professional advice, eliminating debt, starting an emergency fund, and planning for retirement. We then take a look at how to get started as an investor before looking at the many different types of investments that you can make. We close with a wealth creation checklist.

As you can see, there are many benefits to reading Taking Control of Your Money. Far from another “get rich quick” type of book, this book is an honest look at the way young adults do and should handle their money. It is an essential tool for anyone looking to build wealth rather than continue spending beyond their means and is a solid investment in your financial future if you are willing to do the work and follow the steps outlined within the book’s pages.

It’s never too late to start. There is nothing to gain from your could have should have or would have thoughts.

Make the most of your today by taking the first step towards achieving your financial goals.

Start a regular savings today and watch your money grow. Let compound interest work for you.

For more information visit Taking Control of Your Money.


Five Business Practices That Hinder Staff Productivity

There are habits that move you forward in terms of productive and there are habits that hinder your progress. Its quite possible that you have identified some of these unproductive habits. Or maybe you have not!

Business people working outdoors

Unproductive habits will follow you into the workplace, creating an obstacle for you and your team. As a entrepreneur or business owner, you set the pace for others to follow.

Bad habits at work

When you realise which habits aren’t contributing positively to your personal and business growth, it’s time to change them. You need to accept responsibility for creating an environment that allows you and your employees to flourish. Its time to stop procrastinating and start working towards turning around some of your not so good habits into ones that positively impact your life and business.

Everything rises and falls on leadership” says Dr John Maxwell.

Let’s take a look at some of these business practices that hinder you from being successful:

1. Always running late

If you find yourself always trying to catch up with the clock, running late at work or meetings and appointments, you will be perceived as unreliable. While you may think that being punctual is a minor detail, these are things that your business partners, employees and friends remember about you.

Ideally, you should be seen as a person who can manage time wisely, and the best way to exhibit that is simply by being on time.

2. Preventing your employees from socialising with each other

While at the office, people interact because they need to work in teams to get things done. They talk because they need to. But there is also the need to get together outside of work purely for the purpose of socialising.

Socialising outside of work will help your staff to get to know you and each other better. Make it a habit to encourage staff socials about once a quarter. Having a team that sees camaraderie in the office can help employees get along with each other. This will contribute to your business growth.

3. Shoddy email communications

If you have difficulty writing effective emails, or one of your team members doesn’t communicate properly, it’s time to do something about it. While emails have become second nature to most people, not everyone is good at writing professional emails. This can have a negative effect on your company’s reputation. Seek advice or offer free seminars in the office that will train the entire team how to communicate effectively, and you’ll notice that your business will improve.

4. Avoiding constructive criticism

Giving feedback as early as possible is important in helping people change for the better. Successful companies have a culture of communication, where they integrate regular feedback to staff and colleagues. How will your staff know that they are doing something wrong, or could be doing something better, if you don’t tell them? Just make sure that you think your words through to avoid hurting people. Remember to use the WWW and EBI method of giving feedback.

5. Mischievous comments on social media

With the popularity of social media continually growing, some people have a bad habit of venting their frustrations about work online. This reflects negatively on your business, and on you as the leader. Things posted online can sometimes never be taken back, so you may want to develop guidelines for your organisation around the use of social media.

With these things in mind, you can set concrete actions necessary to encourage the change that starts with you. If you model these changes, it will be easier to cascade down to the rest of your team, and in no time, big improvements will be seen in your organisation. Remember that admitting there is a problem in the first place is necessary, and now you can spot what needs to be changed.

Question: What business practices is hindering your staff productivity?