
It is special,
It aids speech,
It‚s transmission is spontaneous,
As it moves through space,
And we appreciate our sight,
All because we can see.
On the surface, our sight can be a rather physical treasure,
It is galvanised into a powerful weapon, only when basic sight is transformed by assets such as insight, foresight and oversight.
Those few individuals who have cultivated the assets of insight, foresight and oversight, display extreme qualities of effective leadership and are sometimes referred to as possessing Vision.
Successful leaders in charge of corporations, Generals in military institutions, National Leaders, and political chieftains are distinguished from their followers and often earn their leadership through the far-reaching effects of their vision.
Foresight is the unique ability to foresee future events and scenarios prior to those events or scenarios playing themselves out in reality.
It has been said that a people would languish endlessly without direction if their leaders lack foresight and demonstrate elements of the foresight through expressed vision.
Insight is illustrated by the possession of unique knowledge or understanding about the advantage of concise expression of some or all elements associated with a defined event.
Oversight is the unique ability of bringing together the various aspects of foresight and insight towards the effective delivery of expressed vision.
Those with foresight are often misunderstood by observers and thought of as living on another planet. For example the Nobel prize-winning scientist and inventor, Guglielmo Marconi, when he discovered how wireless telegraphs could be transmitted between vast distances, and shared this invention with friends, these friends organised that he be committed to a sanatorium for reasons of insanity. Those blessed with the world’s foresight can be particularly odd people, simply because they have a restless disposition handling multiple existence between the distant possibilities of tomorrow’s future and the limitations of today’s reality.
Modern-day software developers, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Michael Dell re-defined science and impacted the world’s development by the application of deep insight transforming once distant technologies, affordable only by the world’s largest Corporations, now accessible to common people the world-over through the advent of the mobile personal computer (lap-top) and application of other electronic gadgets.
Samsung may be a relatively new entrant to the mobile phone market, but has displayed remarkable oversight by capturing considerable global market share by the introduction of innovative products and very effective marketing campaigns in bringing products to market.
As an old-hand in the car manufacturing business, Toyota has consistently bucked Industry trend by delivering practical products to the global car market by its management oversight.
The best illustration at the disposal of the young manager in respect of vision and sight is better understanding of how nature has endowed the eagle with these very special qualities; namely piercing vision, vitality, attention to nurturing the youth and the natural ability to renew its strength after hibernation.