I Have My Budget Working for Me, Now What?

So, you have followed my advice and started work on taking charge of your finances. Good for you! I am glad to know that you have created a budget and that it is working to help you cut expenses where you can and to save money when possible.


But a great budget is only half the battle. If you are looking to not only save money at the end of every month, but to actually build wealth, there is still work to be done. Let’s take a look at what you can do to start accomplishing that.

Financial Discipline Is Critical

If you have set a budget and are sticking to it, you are already exercising great financial discipline. What you do with your extra money, however, may require you to change the way you look at that money. Most financial problems happen because people spend beyond their means. They buy on credit, or they buy things that they simply cannot afford. With proper financial discipline, you can learn how to pay the things that need to be paid and to save the rest of your money for emergencies or to invest.

There are many different financial disciplines to be learned, as well as many skills and mindsets. Discipline is something that gets better the more you practice it, even though it can be difficult to maintain at first. We all get tempted to make impulse buys, whether it is an item at the grocery store checkout or a brand new LED television. The key lies in both self-restraint and a discipline known as delayed gratification. With delayed gratification, we avoid purchasing things we cannot truly afford and instead save money until we can afford to buy them. It is a great way to learn the importance of money while gaining a deeper appreciation for things when you are able to purchase them.

Creating Wealth Is Equally Important

Now that you understand financial discipline, it is time to get to the most important part of it all- creating wealth. After all, you want to live a comfortable life and to have a happy retirement where you have as much money as you need to live comfortably, right? Creating wealth is all about reviewing your financial goals and determining how much you can afford to invest. Choosing the right investments is key, and you will want to diversify, but make sure that you are not investing money until all of your debts have been paid off.

Wealth creation is a wonderful way to create a better future for yourself and your family. Investments can carry risk and it is highly recommended, especially for first time investors, that you seek the assistance of a professional advisor before making any investments. Whether you choose to invest in stocks, real estate, or something else entirely, you will find that investing is a great way to build a nest egg for your future. Learning to build a budget is a very valuable skill, and when it is coupled with wealth generation, there is almost nothing you can’t accomplish!

Why not leave a comment if you use a personal budget.